01-25-05: The only show we'll be playing for the next couple of months will be our CD Release Show at the House of Bricks on Sunday February 27th, so please make sure to see that show. Everyone can go since it's an All Ages show, and if you want to get the best deal on tickets, contact us and we'll get some to you. The new EP will be available at this show, but even if you don't buy it, come for the music anyway...the other bands at this show are all excellent (Colonial PA, Still Pictured, Hollow).

10-28-04: The new EP is finally done and available for you to listen to. If you'd like to find out more (or purchase one), check out the sounds page. As soon as we've got artwork printed, the cd will be available from CdBaby.com ($7) or from us ($5). Thanks to everyone who submitted ideas for the album title, especially Sean Eike and Wes Schlotterback for sending in the most. Sean's idea won our little contest, so the EP will be called "Ninja Explosion". That's right, the music is more complex, but we're still the same goofy little band.

10-15-04: New show at House of Bricksis posted. Still waiting on the new recordings to be finished. Also, we found out yesterday that all songs from our "3 Ring Circus" album are on the iTunes website. This is a big deal because this is the biggest legal download site around right now, and although our songs are available on other sites as well, iTunes is most likely the one that will bring us much exposure or money. Also, they don't just let anyone's music on their site, otherwise their users would have way to much crap to sort through, so it's kind of an honor that we are on there. Once you've downloaded the software, you can find us by searching the words "max power" at the iTunes store. Even if we weren't on their site though, I would still highly recommend the iTunes software, free on either on Mac or PC, if you're looking for digital downloads.

09-22-04: Just added photos from last week's House of Bricks show to the "Shows2" page. Jeff Newlin from the band Fishwacker sent them to us and I thought they turned out pretty well.

09-08-04: Updated the band members biographies (long overdue). Hopefully this new format won't become outdated so quickly. Check them out!

09-03-04: We've changed the samples on the bio pages from Quicktime to Flash since Quicktime plug-ins have not been working on all computers. Updates to the band bios are in the works. The shows are slowing down for us somewhat, but we're sending out press kits soon to some venues/colleges, so we'll see what happens. Look for our songs to appear soon on Lazer 103.3 Sunday nights on the Lazer Local Licks. Thanks to Wes Schlotterback of Devilish MM&P as usual for promoting our music so heavily, he's done a great job of getting gigs for us lately.

07-22-04: We've got 7 new songs recorded, but the mixing won't be done on them until September. This is because Scott, who owns/operates Smoking Guns Studios is moving to California and won't have the studio equipment set up there until September. Scott has been very influential in the Des Moines/Central Iowa music scene simply by offering quality recording at prices that independent bands can actually afford. Many bands would probably not have demos or albums right now if it wasn't for him. Good luck to Scott, he and Smoking Guns Studios will be missed.
We will let you know as soon as we have anything for you to listen to from these new songs. As of now we haven't finalized plans for a title for this album/EP or exactly how we're going to release it.

03-22-04: We've updated the website quite a bit. This should make it easier to navigate. If you haven't checked us out in awhile, download some songs or videos, look up some photos, and buy our album (only $5 now in most cases!). More shows are on the way along with new songs.

12-22-03: No shows for now, we're taking a Christmas break, then re-grouping. Look for changes to the website, including new songs, photos, a new video, and more places to hear Max Power music. Speaking of which, TLC aired an episode of "Second Chance" last month featuring songs of ours! Still no word on which future episodes will contain Max Power songs, but when we find out, we'll let you know.

09-22-03: Updated the bio pages by putting audio clips on each band member's page. Make sure you have Quicktime so it will stream the clips in the background. Who knows, maybe we'll even update the actual bios on those pages, too.

09-06-03: We're going to have a few of our songs placed on a show called "Second Chance" on the TLC network. The first episode airs on September 15th at 1pm, and we should find out soon how many episodes our songs will be used in. We are also getting more info on having some songs used in both "The Real World" and "Road Rules". It's a good thing we went to L.A. last spring!
We also reworked the photos page so it should be faster to load, and put up the photos from the Iowa State Fair on the Shows2 page.

08-09-03: Well, we won the KGGO/Got Milk Battle of the Bands! Our songs are now going to be sent off for a chance at a national competition. A bunch of people heard our songs and we made some new fans. We also got a nice cash prize, although they didn't let us keep the giant novelty check. Thank you very much to everyone who came out and voted for us, and thanks to Sean Eike for the new guitar. Elixyr, the other band, played really well and the voting results were extremely close. They were good sports about the whole thing, and we know they'll do fine. They play all the time around Iowa, so check them out when you can. www.elixyrrocks.com

08-02-03: As you saw from the opening page, we are one of only two bands picked from this region to compete in the "got milk" Shake Stuff Up tour. We need everyone to stop by the listening booth at Merle Hay Mall on Wednesday, August 6th in the afternoon to vote for our songs, and please stop by the AE stage at the Fairgrounds on Friday the 8th to watch us perform and vote for our songs there.

05-25-03: A review of the new CD from the Coe College paper is on the In the News page. Buy the new CD. That is all.

05-04-03: Last time we checked, the club we played in Ottumwa, M&M's Clubhouse, is still having financial problems. They are a venue that works in a way similar to the Fallout Shelter in Des Moines (when they were open), where bands can actually get paid for shows, and kids under 21 are given something to do. Of course, like the Fallout Shelter, every month is a battle just to pay bills and keep things up to city code. Find out how you can see shows there, or play a show there, or anything else you can do to help them stay open, by calling Meg Cole (or her son) at 641-682-2323.

04-22-03: Pictures from the California trip are up now, and lyrics are up now, too. Buy the new CD. That is all.

04-12-03: Holy Crap! We finally have a video for you to see. Gil O'Gara recently put together this video, and Travis has transferred it to a digital format for the web. The file is still pretty large, but you can download it to your computer if you have a high-speed connection. Check it out here.
Coming very soon (I promise): pictures from the California trip and lyrics on the lyrics page.

As you can see, we have a revised look to the website. Everything should be easier to navigate now. If you haven't checked out the site in awhile, go download videos, music, look at photos, and buy our full-length album (there are several ways to get the album for around $5 now!). We have new songs emerging and we're sending out press kits soon, so look for more shows to appear. If you experience any bugs with these updates, let us know.

03-26-03: The new full-length album is finally done! $10 for 12+ tracks (an hour's worth of music). You can order a copy by going to www.olderarecords.com - you can order one through PayPal from the Shop section. The more entertaining way is if you come to one of our shows and get a copy.
Also, the California trip went really well. Email us if you want details.

03-02-03: The new full-length album is mastered and on it's way for pressing. Hopefully we'll have some to sell by March 14th, but at the latest we'll have them by the CD release show in Ames on March 28th. You can order a copy by going to www.olderarecords.com, there should be an option to buy one by paypal on the "store" page soon.

02-12-03: Well, holy crap! Check out the gigs page, I believe we have more gigs scheduled at once than ever before. This is mostly thanks to Wendy Hoffman, who has been working pretty hard out in California to book some shows for a band from Iowa who no one has really heard of out there (I'm talking about us, Max Power). The new album is almost done, too. We are sending it out to be mastered and pressed in the next couple of weeks, so it's still on schedule to be out by mid-March.

01-20-03: I know this site hasn't been updated recently, but we have plenty of news for you now. Max Power is officially going on tour! We have the first date confirmed for our tour out to California and back, and more are on the way. Then when we get back, the new album will be done, so you can look for an official CD release show in Ames then. And, closer to the end of your semester, we will be playing a show at Coe College in eastern Iowa. Only good can come of all this.
Also, check out our article in the Iowa State Daily here.

12-05-02: Slowly and steadily, we are piecing together our next album. This one will be a full-length, professional release of 12+ songs. Chad from Twistin' Trees and Scott from Smoking Guns Studios are helping us with the recording/mixing again, so you know it will be good. Old Era Records has made us an official artist on their new local label, and they will be helping us promote/distribute this album. If you haven't checked out the Old Era Records site yet, go to the links page and find out more about them.

11-13-02: Check out the Argos CD release party in Des Moines this Friday! Also, our guitarist and drummer are getting a house in Ames in about a month so you can bet there will be plenty of music going on.

10-22-02: Everyone should come out to the Show in the Levitt Room of the Botanical Center on Friday. Mechanistry will play around 7pm, Hog Mallet will play at 8, then Max Power. Also, press kits have been sent out so we can play more shows outside of central Iowa. And in case we forgot to mention it, Nick has a new van to replace the deceased one: Vayon II.

9-26-02: Pictures are up from the show we played in Logan, IA. We should be playing more shows soon, and save up your pennies to purchase a copy of the new album we're working on. It is guaranteed to be sweet. Those of you in Ames can check us out on the Ames Music Live TV show soon, so look for that also.

9-4-02: Thanks for checking back. We've been unable to update this site for awhile, but from now on you should get more regular updates on shows and stuff. As always, if you have any questions about what's going on, just subscribe to our newsletter by writing us at maxpowertheband@yahoo.com.

Oh Yeah... and the Guestbook is back!

8-20-02: As you may have heard, the Max Power van that had become such a promising vehicle for the band was hit and may be totaled. The first page is a sign of condolences that Sean Eike made for Nick. An Obituary and more information is on the "appearances in the news" section.

7-19-02: We had a great time playing with Argos out in Casey, IA. Matt Goode filled in for Nick, and Mary Brower filled in for Travis. (Pictures are up on the Photos page). It went really well, and we would like to thank Mindy for setting up the show. We would also like to thank the people who came out to see us and invite them to the show in Stuart IA. Argos will be there also, and a band called Driving While Stupid who we think you'll like.

5-23-02: We have several shows coming up this summer. We may not be able to update the info on this site fast enough to keep up with the shows, but you can always find out specifics on upcoming shows by sending an email to info@maxpowertheband.com. Just ask for specifics on new shows or ask to be added to the mailing list.

5-08-02: We didn't win the Battle of the Bands at The View. But, the staff there liked us, so we will probably get some more shows in Des Moines in the future. Actually, Matt Goode from Argos has some shows set up for us this summer which you should check out.

4-22-02: Well, the VEISHEA show didn't go very well for us (but congratulations to Argos for taking first place). There were constant tuning problems with the instruments and we apparently put together a set list that was completely at odds with what the judges wanted to hear (although it was exactly what the fans requested). We did receive the judges comments sheets, which helped explain what they were looking for but still didn't make complete sense. Oh, well....we didn't ask for specific criticism, but we got it. We deciphered them through modern scanning technology and they are available for your reading pleasure in the "appearances in the news section".

4-16-02: "Default- the two sweetest words in the english language."- Homer Simpson.
Our apologies to anyone who came out to The View on Monday. The show was cancelled because the other bands couldn't make it there after all. However, we are automatically bumped into the semi-finals of their battle of the bands. We will be there on Mon. March 6, so come out and cheer for us.

4-10-02: The show at People's was sweet. We debuted a jam song called "E-Funk". The sound was supposedly pretty good, so we should have audio or video of that on the site pretty soon.